Hi! Guys,
It's good to see info' flowing again abeit due to your problems .
My wing pins are still quite tight , 300 hours and rigged almost every
flight except Continental. They became a little easier after fitting the
upgrade to 1/2" pins with two pip pins. I think the removal of the old 3/8"
pins gave a little "slop" in the seat back bushes before final alignment and
reduxing into place with the a/c fully assembled. However I still have to
insert the pins in a particular sequence . ( rear lift pin starboard side,
rear lift pin port side, starboard side spar pin , then finally port side
spar pin.) Any other combination and it won't rig! Also I use a rubber
mallet and plenty of grease and if someone is helping I get them to hold
each wing tip backward to engage the rear lift pins and forwards to insert
the spar pins. Pulling out with the pip pin handles is no problem by hand.
There's two areas of likely problem IMHO! :-
a) the spar ends are very slightly malformed and can just be fouling on the
sockets when "right home". I very slightly radiused the ends of mine.
b) the wing root fairings on the sides of the fuselage need very carefull
inspection to be clear .
Bob Harrison G-PTAG Europa 337 MKI/Jabiru 3300 #084