> Just an update following on from my Emergency diversion and engine off
> landing. As I suspected the kind hearted Humberside International Airport
> have sent me a invoice for 32 for landing fee and one nights parking.
> I had a long debate with them and suggested they should not charge me for
> this but hey ho they don't have a heart.
> If I'm honest the 32 doesn't bother me its just the principle. I know one
> or two pilots that are pretty tight and it makes me think under the same
> circumstances they might not take the safest option in favour of the
> cheapest one.
> I just had a thought of going back to them and offering them the cheque
> made out to a charity of their choice to show good will on both sides?
> If your not familiar with the problem there is more info on my web site
> Regards
> Kevin
> PS Anyone know where I can but the plastic curly stuff to protect plug
> leads.
> Also speaking to an inspector the other day he informed me all VP props
> have a separate log. I didn't know that so will be getting one.
> ---