I prefer to use a stall warning device. There are two available in the UK.
The factory now supplies one and their is another marketed by Alan Couzens.
Although the stall strips work well when placed in the correct position they
raise the stall speed by up to 5kts which is rather counterproductive.
Nigel Charles
----- Original Message -----
From: <DJA727@aol.com>
> One thing - I am flying the long wing. There are no provisions for stall
> strips on that wing. My comment about the non event stall is the long wing
> only. The short wing without stall strips can have a very abrupt stall - I
> have not done one, but have heard from other builders.
> I will be approaching the slow speeds with great caution - at 12,000 feet!
> Dave
> A227
> Mini U2