We have had some problems with delivery failures on addresses in the
<europaclub.org.uk> domain, but that should now be fixed. If anyone
has had bounces from those addresses (most likely
<memsec@europaclub.org.uk> or webmaster@europaclub.org.uk>) SINCE
10th Feb, would they please forward the bounce message to our
unix/linux guru Tom Dawes-Gamble <tmdg@tmdg.co.uk> so he can see
what's going on. My alternative address is
<europa-club@rowil.clara.net>, which should be used only if the other
one gives problems.
Sorry to bother everyone with this - I'm getting a bit fed up with it myself!
| Rowland Carson Europa Club Membership Secretary
| Europa 435 G-ROWI (480 hours building) PFA #16532 EAA #168386
| e-mail <memsec@europaclub.org.uk> website <www.europaclub.org.uk>