I ordered the SS before acquiring the Club mod because there was
difficulty here in getting on the memebers only section. When I found a
minimum order pertained, I decided to make a bulk order and so have 4 feet
of same and sent out the message.
I presume you provide only the SS tubing (as I) but if you
produce more, please let me know and will duplicate your method for ease of
understanding. What I don't know is whether the colonists will want to pay
for a 'foreign' membership! They are pretty paranoid right now, what with
border people inspecting lipsticks etc. What was a whimsical faux pas is now
a fullblown xenaphobia....
Best regards to you both,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nigel Charles" <>
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Fuel sight gauges + How to see any Europa factory
> The outrigger mod is a Europa Club mod. Having fitted it to my Europa
> an individual mod (UK PFA approved) the PFA suggested that it was made
> readily available. I have twice mentioned it to the factory because it
> the minimum of extra parts and they could stock it as a factory mod. They
> don't seem to be interested which is why it has become a club mod. Anyone
> wishing to make use of this mod has only to join the club and the details
> are then free. The club is there to support Europa owners so it is hardly
> big expense to sign up when we spend thousands of 's/$'s on the aircraft
> the first place. In the near future, as the stainless tube required for
> of the mod is a little difficult to obtain, I am purchasing stock to make
> kits of parts for those east of the Atlantic and I believe Fergus Kyle is
> helping out those of you on the west side. I will be placing an order for
> parts at the end of the month so anyone in Europe wishing to make use of
> this service should contact me by then to confirm their order.
> Nigel Charles
> Europa Club Mods Rep
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "tom" <>
> To: <>
> > About moods: What about the outrigger mod?
> >
> > Tom