Has anyone had any problems with the intermittent smell of petrol in the
I think that this may be a MONOWHEEL and ROTAX 914 specific problem.
My monowheel occassionally has a strong odour of fuel in the cockpit which
as far as I can figure on throttling back - at top of climb etc. I have moved
the fuel and airbox drains further outboard which seemed to have some effect
in reducing the problem.
I have double checked all hoses for security and all seem fine. My wife, who
smell an illegal cigarette at 500 yds, can detect no specific area in the
that smells of fuel.
Is it possible that the carburettors are ejecting some fuel through the
which then gets swept into the wheel well and hence the cockpit. If so does
any one have a cure!!!
On another subject. The boost pressure details for the Rotax 914 are fairly
for sea-level take-off performance, but information on boost limits at
altitude are virtually non-existant. In a recent climb to FL100 my boost gauge
reached 1.3 bar (sea level limit 1.37 bar) at which point I throttled back.
What sort of boost pressure do you 'hi-fliers' see in normal operations?
Mike Parkin No 312 (G-JULZ)