Dynon EFIS 10
> >>> don't have a millibar setting.>
> Supposedly true story:>
> London Heathrow Approach: "American Airlines 123, descend to 3,000 ft on
QNH> 1010
> AA123: "AA123, can we have that in inches please?"
> LHR: "AA123, descend to 36,000 inches on 1010"
Not really, Paul,
Britannia Airways actually flew Bristol Britannias and had some
fairly irregular schedules. One such brought a female First Officer on the
air at 0530 asking to "cross Green One (the airway from Shannon to London)
at 'level 45' (4500' on 29.92=1013.2mb)". London Airways replied, "Britannia
XXX cross Green One between Reading and Woodley at level 45 on QNH 1013mb."
She then transmitted as per the AA123 above.
You can imagine the PanAm offering which instantly occurred. I
know - I was nearby there in a TCA Connie.............
Ferg A064
PS: I'll give up the real reply on personal request.......