Just in case someone was going to point out the "bleeding obvious", I have
found the missing page from my manual regarding the setting up of the aileron
on the wing to give the dimension for the aileron link rod to spar pushrod.
Thanks anyway.
Tony Renshaw
Sydney Australia
I am currently perplexed with the setting up of the wing bellcrank neutral
position to match the spar one to ascertain the length of the spanwise
pushrod and then ascertain the length of the aileron chordwise link rod.
The wing embedded bellcrank has a long arm for the long tube, and a short
one for the short tube. I can't easily find the neutral position of this
bellcrank. I can easily find the stop though, as the short arm which is
above and inboard of the pivot point or attachment of the bearing pushes
the outboard edge of the long arm against the bolt stop. Is there an easy
way to find neutral, bearing in mind I don't have a lot of room to get
access, only that available through the normal access hole?
Tony Renshaw