Dear Carl,
The torque figures are with on the data sheet supplied with the propeller. I'll
send you a copy if you cannot find one.
The blade bolts should be torqued to 100 - 120 inch pounds ( 9 - 10 foot pounds
/ 11.3 - 13.5 Nm) and the hub bolts to 175 inch pounds ( 14.5 foot pounds /
19.8 Nm ).
>>> "Carl & Dot" <> 02/23/03 11:39pm >>>
Since we are on the subject of prop bolt settings, does anyone know what the
torque settings for the standard warp drive prop (Rotax 912 engine).
Could also do with the torque settings for the prop hub bolts (these are
something like M6 but probably imperial)
I am currently using 20nm for the main prop attachment bolts but I suspect
this is way too high. None of my manuals gives a figure for the prop bolts
but 20 nm seems to be the setting for most of the other M8 bolts used by
Carl P
kit 49 (Classic)