Ok, I'll admit it in public, I'm a bozo. I found the 2 TU-2's in the
cabinet! Great picture of Heavenly Valley from 17,500.
Glassing of cockpit has gone well, and starting on tail. What fun! to
be at it again.
DJA727@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 2/22/2003 8:16:35 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>reddog@gbis.com writes:
>>Thanks Dave, the got any ideas where I can buy this stuff in town? The
>>TU2 never did come with the kit!
>>BTW, the cockpit is in! Finished the gluing to day, really looking fwd
>>to moving along much faster now.
>>How's the flying? Had any more time in the air?
>Call John Hurst - he will make it good. You should have all the parts
>required in the kit. The only other thing would be to go to Aircraft Spruce.
>Good deal on the cockpit.
>I have 6.4 hours now - flying again tomorrow morning. See the attached. It is
>from last flight at 17,500. Everything is going well still. The 914 engine is
>fantastic in this airplane. The climb rate will knock your socks off!