There is a lot planned for the anniversary. There is a flight planned on
the 17th at
10:35 a. m. of an exact copy of the Wright flyer with a second flight later
in the day.
A good place to look is at the EAA site.
Click on Count down to Kitty Hawk.
There are many sites rerlated to this event. There are plans for airshows
---From Sat thru Wed.
John, A230
----- Original Message -----
From: "STOUT, GARRY V, CSFF2" <>
Subject: RE: Europa-List: 100 year party?
> I haven't heard much about what is planned for the 100th Anniversary.
> Will there be a fly in? Is there adequate tiedown space? Camping
> availability? I'd be interested in going if there were more details
> available.
> Regards,
> Garry V. Stout
> District Manager, Finance, AT&T Business Services
> Phone: 813-878-3929 Fax: 813-878-5651
> E-Mail:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> To:
> Subject: Europa-List: 100 year party?
> Is anyone going to Kitty Hawk in December for the centennial of flight
> celebration? I'm going for the week (Dec 13-21). For some RR and
> chillen. If
> a few Europa builders / pilots show up. I'll have a BBQ
> Southern Low boil, or something.
> SteveD.