I have a Classic model mono, and have amended it by XS cockpit,
AUW mod, long tailwheel and several other improvements. I was not equipped
with NACA vents. There are items (between the two models) which I found
confusing and over which I fumed. As well, there have come difficulties in
fabricating items which I believed were little trouble but which proved
However we are building aircraft here. If we have differences
with Europa, let's solve them privately:
(a) we may be the only ones involved;
(b) the solution should always begin with Europa (fair shake);
(c) public complaint serves who?;
(d) how much better are other kits?
As for the immense case of faulty NACA vents -
[1] I built my own from a Bingelis notebook;
[2] the vents appear to me to be a subcontract item (see ACS catalog);
[3] the ratio w/l seems excessive if the formula is correct;
[4] siting is 50% of the success.
Let's cool it. This design is excellent - look at the