If the wind is strong enough that the plane is going to weathercock on
takeoff you should be sitting in your armchair.
What I was trying to get across was that the into wind outrigger
actually helps the situation where you hold the aileron into wind at the
commencement of the takeoff roll.
I'll remove the word weathercocking from my description. Since writing
it I've handled a wind that was stronger that I would ever consider
normal to land in but had no option but to put the plane on the ground.
At no stage during the landing or taxy stage did the aircraft show any
desire to weathercock or misbehave.
-----Original Message-----
From: hedley brown
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Monowheel Ground Handling
Tony, in your article about cross-wind landing you mention the use of
outrigger to prevent weathercocking. If the upwind wing is lowered,
that will turn the plane towards the wind, thus WORSENING the
weathercocking. If, on the other hand, one were to lower the downwing
while it might straighten the 'plane up, we would be in the windward
high situation which is fraught with hazard. My reaction to al this is
try to keep the wings level right through the maneuvre.... am I
wrong?.... H
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony S. Krzyzewski" <tonyk@kaon.co.nz>
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Monowheel Ground Handling
> >>> Can you describe the cross wind handling of the aircraft? I
> have not flown in any more than 5 knots of wind so far and in my last
> hours of flight time,
> Have a look at www.kaon.co.nz/europa/flying.html for some comments
> handling the monowheel in crosswinds.
> Regards
> Tony