I'm in the midst of placing an order for fuel fittings and
need some advice regarding the appropriate materials. My
concern deals with potential corrosion of dissimilar metals.
I'm wondering if this is an issue that I need to address.
My gascolator, fuel selector, and fuel lines are aluminum.
The fuel drains, as well as the fuel pump fittings are
1. Should I use aluminum or steel fitting to connect the
aluminum tubing to the steel inlets of the fuel pump and
fuel drains. Does it really matter what choice I make?
2. An appealing solution to mounting the fuel drains
appears to be the use of a brass "90 degree street elbow".
The steel fuel drains would screw into one side of the elbow
and the aluminum fuel line would connect to the other side
of the elbow.
3. Actually, there are a couple of places where the use of
brass fittings may be useful as not every fitting one needs
is available in aluminum. Although combinations of aluminum
fittings can accomplish the desired result, the use of a
single brass fitting would result in the use of fewer parts.
Any comments on the general suitability of these fitting in
my fuel system?
Thanks everyone in advance for sharing your thoughts on this
Tracy, California