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RE: Europa-List: Integration...

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Integration...
From: Peter Zutrauen <>
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2003 13:26:04

Now that's service!  Thanks Matt.

You do provide a really slick and solid service to the homebuilder

Cheers & thanks,

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Dralle [] 
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Integration...

Whoops!  Fixed!

Actually, it would have searched the right archive, the text label was
just wrong.  Darn that cut-n-paste!  :-)

Thanks for the heads up.


>Terrific! Thanks!
>But...... minor software bug?  Once the search is executed, the top
>frame for selecting new search criteria no longer lists "Europa" as an
>archive name in the drop-down.... it goes from "Engines" to "EZ"
>Cheers & thanks again,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Matt Dralle [] 
>Subject: Europa-List: Integration...
>Dear Europa Listers,
>Rowland Carson graciously mailed me a CDROM with all of the previous
>Forum archives dating back to July of 1995!  Last night I wrote a
>scripts to clean them up and reformat them for compatibility with the 
>Matronics Search Engine, Archive Browser, and Download Site.  I'm happy
>report that the full set of Europa archives are now online at the
>web site!  Here are a few URLs of interest:
>Be sure to select the "Europa" archive in the "Select Archive" pull 
>down.  I just did a search using the following criteria: "engine &
>& inlet" and the server returned 153 hits in 2 seconds from the 30Mb 
>archive!  Very speedy!
>This page will give you smallish, 500k chunks of the archive,
>for easy viewing.  Again, they date back to July of 1995.
>  (Scroll down to the Europa

>Here you can download the cleaned versions of the full Europa archives
>either pure text, UNIX Compress, or .ZIP formats.  Respective sizes
>from 29.4Mb, 12.3Mb, and 8.4Mb currently.
>Special thanks to Rowland Carson for keeping all of those messages all 
>these years and for graciously offering to mail me a CDROM with
>on it!  Please feel free to access the Europa list archives whenever
>like.  Also, if you haven't already done so, please give the archive
>Engine a try.  I think you will find it extremely useful and 
>extraordinarily responsive.
>Best regards,
>Matt Dralle
>Matronics Email List Administrator
>Matt G Dralle | Matronics | PO Box 347 | Livermore | CA | 94551
>925-606-1001 V | 925-606-6281 F | Email
> WWW | Featuring Products For Aircraft


Matt G. Dralle | Matronics | P.O. Box 347 | Livermore | CA | 94551
925-606-1001 Voice | 925-606-6281 FAX | Email W.W.W. | Featuring Products For Aircraft

        They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
        temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

                Benjamin Franklin
                Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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