After 1900 hours building over 16 months, G-RIXS finally took to the skies
The weather at Blackpool was absolutely perfect for the first days flight
testing with clear blue sky & light wind.
After the first 20 minute flight, test pilot David Hardaker commented that
the airplane was 'just like a shop bought one' with all t's & p's within
limits, all instruments working well and just a very slight tendency to turn
to port.
After removing the cowling to check the engine which was completely dry with
no apparent fuel, oil or water leaks, a second flight of around 75 minutes
followed when David completed the testing of the radio, transponder,
encoder, stall and Vne. All without problems.
I was invited to take the co-pilot seat for the third flight of around 40
minutes when a 5 minute full power climb was completed and stall
characteristics explored further. With two on board there is a very slight
tendency to turn to starboard.
The only problem encountered was that the stall warner appears to operate in
reverse, sounding continuously at speed above around 55 kts and falling
silent below this speed. Other than this, a completely successful first days
flight testing.
Now I know what that 'Europa Grin' feels like! :-))))
Richard Iddon. G-RIXS