If it is posssible I would dearly love to see your finger brake setup, and be
able to file it away should I go tri or taildragger? I am undecided but the
finger brakes seem like a good idea to me. I have a bent toward the
Tony Renshaw
Sydney Australia
>My application for finger brakes is currently with the PFA.
>At least one other non-Europa demo has them approved.
>Richard F.W. Holder 01279 842804 (POTS)
>Bell House, Bell Lane, 01279 842942 (fax)
>Widford, Ware, Herts, 07860 367423 (mobile)
>SG12 8SH email :
>PA-28-181 : Piper Archer : G-JANA, EGSG (Stapleford)
>Europa Classic Tri-gear : G-OWWW, being flight tested
>> From: "Richard" <>
>> Reply-To:
>> Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2003 18:30:00 -0000
>> To: "Europa Matronics Forum" <>
>> Subject: Europa-List: brake pipe routing
>> I have finally given up waiting for the finger brakes and am currently
>> installing the toe brakes on my tri gear, with a view to converting to the
>> finger brakes once they are sorted from the factory. Can anyone help with
>> the routing of the piping? It looks from the manual as if I should take it
>> down the starboard side and across the front of the seats. But is that along
>> the floor, just above the top of the tufnol bearing or just under the top of
>> the thigh support? Or somewhere else completely?
>> Cheers.
>> Richard Iddon G-RIXS