Get Together of Europa Friends, Builders, and Flyers at the Stade Airfield
(near Hamburg, Germany).
We tried to pick the best conditions tried last year. Here are the details:
Date: 14.-15. Juni 2003
Place: Stade Airfield N53 33.6 E009 29.9, 123.00 MHz, rw 11/29, circuit to
the south, 1000 ft. Watch out for gliders, pedestriens, dogs, and motor cars
on or nearby the runway.
We will provide for beverages and snacks at the airfield.
Dinner: June 14, 2003 19 h at Gasthaus zur Tenne, Agathenburg (nearby, 8 to
10 Euro plus beverages)
Accomodation: June 14.-15 2003: Gasthaus zur Tenne, Agathenburg. single 29,
double 47, triple 61 Euro. I booked all beds in advance.
Sign In: In order to permit proper preparation participants are kindly
requested to sign in latest
May 10, 2003
including details on participation at the dinner and request for accomodation
to the address given below.
All depending on VFR weather.
A welcome to all from our N German Europa Chapter
Erich Gabbe (Kit #91, still building)
Hugo-Klemm-Str. 30
21075 Hamburg
Telef. +49-40-7925262
Mob. +49-173-3523506