> Hi All,
> We have a vario replacing the VSI in our monowheel. As a vario is just a
> faster, more responsive VSI, you can use it in place of the standard VSI.
> However, you can not compensate it for total energy, as it will no longer be
> a VSI. Also, it will not be as useful for instrument flying as it will be
> more sensitive that you would like. It will jump around a lot since it does
> not have the dampening built in that the typical VSI has.
> Happy Building!
> John Hurst
> Europa Aircraft
Another option is the RMI uEncoder. The VSI sensitivity, damping, and
display range are programmable to suit. Can tweak thus for IFR also,
but the VSI display is tiny. Ditto for EFIS panels in MS Flight
Simulator, without being able to adjust sensitivity, if one wants to see
what it's like "on the gauges."
Fred F.