Hi! Brian.
No need to apologise friend especially when it's you looking for help.
I understood your original request was for ICOM IC A200 and notice that you
are now referring to ICOM AC 200 ? Don't suppose this is the "two stools"
we are all falling between?
Concerning the adjustments under the silver paper...... if the agents in
Wolverhampton can only tweak them to certain levels within the regulations
as per oscilloscope monitoring I guess that to regulate them "blind" may
incur the wrath of the Radio Agency. But I'm only a novice who it has been
suggested seems to "like bad news"!
A useful item to have within the scope of the radio is two channel
monitoring if you intend joining any group fly out events involving loose
formation flying. The unit Ivor mentioned has that facility, you may wish to
consider that since it would have been useful during our recent trip round
BTW ,Eddie Hatcher, thanks for the info which seems to substsntiate my
position somewhat.
Bob Harrison G-PTAG
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com]On Behalf Of Brian Davies
Subject: Re: Europa-List: RE: Europa-List Digest: 15 Msgs - 05/21/03
Having started this thread, I feel slightly responsible for this rather
heated debate. I have done the research and this is the result:-
All UK CAA equipment approvals are now carried out through the European JAA
approval system. The CAA now has a website which contains the "AEARS
Database" which has a search engine enabling you to check the approval of
any particular bit of equipment.
The website is very difficult to find, but I eventually found it at
If you type in "VHF Comm" it will give you a list of all the VHF com
manufacturers, and you can then look for a particular part number. This
shows that the Icom AC-200 is approved under approval number LA301011.
So, the equipment is approved, therefore it must work (or, at least pass the
required safety standards). The issue for me is that it is one of the key
systems on the aircraft and I want to be confident that I can get the
necessary technical support if I get problems with the equipment or its
installation. In the UK there seems to be a lack of support. Icom (UK) Ltd
website even denies the existence of the unit!
A pity, because it seems to be good value and those people that resolve the
installation issues seem very happy with it.
Brian Davies kit 454