Hi Kevin,
I am using rivets to secure the covers. You need to think about
anything that moves and wears, it will need to have maintenance pulled on
it sometime in the future. So, providing access is very important. This
goes for anything on the airframe. It was mentioned a while back that
you might need to have something to protect the side of the fuselage from
the door shoot bolts from digging in to the airframe on accidental
closures or extensions. I have gotten a few chips on my door. A small
piece of aluminum bonded at right angles to the shoot bolts where the
bolts enter the airframe will protect the paint. I need to do it but
its a bit too late for the initial dings. The pilot door is used a
hundred to one with the pax door so all the wear is there.
Jim Nelson
N15JN (52 hours+)
> <kevann@gte.net>
> Hi All, I have a question regarding the sequence of painting the
> doors,
> outside handles, and fitting the latch covers. I suppose the handles
> need to
> be painted before the latch covers are bonded in place. Do the
> covers need
> to be bonded in place or are some folks using screws and nutplates?
> Seems
> like you might want to get in there in the future?
> Thanks Kevin