Rivet setting tool from ACS or friendly LAME. Peen out the head a little with a
flat punch and then drive home with balanced job and accurate "technical taps".
2 people required as it is basically impossible without the job being kept
steady on the end of the setting tool, unless you have 3 arms, no 4. Head size
1/5 times original diameter. Secret for hand setting..... Use a spring loaded
centrepunch to establish/re-establish small drilling hole for removal prior to
drilling. This will ensure drill remains centred and doesn't walk away from
shaft below. Careful depth of drilling so that head alone can be cut off with
sharp chisel. I hope I haven't jinxed you with this tip. Good luck.
Tony Renshaw
>Hello to All,
>My friend that allows me to use his rivet squeezer has gone on vacation for
>three weeks just when I needed him, or it. He's an RV builder and knows his
>rivets. He inspects my workmanship after I'm done and gives me some good
>information, since I have never had to squeeze rivets before this.
>Anyone know of any acceptable caveman ways of squeezing these without a real
>tool? Is a vise OK to use? Ball peen hammer on an anvil? But that removes any
>evidence of the "dot" on the head and flattens it.
>My only options would be to wait for his return or pay over $125 for a tool
>that I'll rarely use. Both of these ways bother me.
>Mike Duane A207
>Redding, California
>XS Trigear