Tony et al:
I had a quick look in passing, and guess my slots stop about 1/2" below the
joggle - and I have 13deg of travel. I can send all my calcs for this
exercise as I mathed the travel angles through from the trim motor.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tony Renshaw" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 11:35 PM
> Subject: Europa-List: Trim Tab Slot Height dilemna??????????
> <>
> |
> | Allan, etc.
> | Steve Dunsmuir and my local guru didn't have to go up into the fuse
> joining
> | rebate to get the required 12-13 degrees of movement. Don't cut up into
> there
> | until we can find out why others have different geometry!! I think the
> botom
> | line is in the trim system as the datums of "centre of rotation" (centre
> of
> | torque tube) and trim tab hinge point are fairly rigid datums. Therefore
> the
> | ideal slot size from Europa can't be "that wrong". The bulkhead distance
> aft at
> | 1 1/4" as I recall was also not hard to set up, so the problem must be
> | elsewhere. Any takers????
> | Reg
> | Tony Renshaw
> | Sydney Australia
> | P.S. I know that 1 1/4" mightn't be right, but a short walk to the
> will
> | clarify, and whatever it said is where mine is at.