I'm not convinced either.
I've believed for some time that the aircraft is near to its practical
performance limits, taking into account engine power, fuselage and wing
design and weight. Theoretical claims are easy to make, but more
difficult to substantiate. I'm impressed if the figure is truly 130kts
TAS at 18 litres/hr (low altitude), and would have considered around
120kts+ on a 912 to be approximately right at just over 5000RPM at
18l/hr. Do you have a VP prop or a different engine ?
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of Michael
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Additional thoughts on wing root fairings
--> <Mikenjulie.Parkin@btopenworld.com>
I am not convinced that the performance could be significantly improved
with a change of wing fillet.
Having just returned from the EAS Fly-in in Switzerland, travelling
along at 130 knots IAS on 18 lts/hr and leaving most spamcans behind in
the French dust I am not sure the effort would be worth the final
The phrase, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" springs to mind.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred R. Klein" <fklein@orcasonline.com>
Subject: Europa-List: Additional thoughts on wing root fairings
> Still, I can't help but believe that cruise speed and fuel economy
> could
> significantly enhanced with the proper aerodynamic transition between
> fuselage and wing. So I'm thinking about a really big
> fairing/fillet...I want to see that trailing edge of the wing sweep
> aft along the fuselage in
> quarter of an elipse with a half-major axis of say 30 inches and a
> half-minor axis of say 24 inches, with a generous curvature between
fuselage and wing.
> Hopefully,
> Fred Klein, A-194
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