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Re: Europa-List: Glide ratios

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Glide ratios
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 20:27:55

In a message dated 9/3/2003 1:59:52 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> Both occasions were evenings and very calm with the small wind component at
> 90 degrees, and the start and finish at the same point. I started at 3,400
> ft (TMA limits us to 3500) and set course for our home field at 75 knots and
> with the motor obviously on tickover. The GPS said we had 6.5 km to go. I
> arrived at our base on both occasions at 1,200 ft. This works out to 18:1 if
> my maths are correct

The big question here is what was the wind aloft. I have seen many times in 
my flying career where the wind aloft is way different from the wind on the 
ground. The way to get the glide ratio is to time a descent at a constant 
airspeed and calculate a sink rate, etc...
Dave A227 Mini U2

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