on 9/4/03 12:53 PM, Terry Seaver at terrys@cisco.com wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> Dave and I have a description of how we mounted the Matco valve on the
> Europa-USA
> web site:
> http://www.europa-usa.com/n135TD.htm
> The A/C Spruce part number is 06-17200, Matco Parking Brake Valve.
> regards,
> Terry Seaver
> Jeff Roberts wrote:
>> on 9/3/03 7:56 PM, David DeFord at davedeford@comcast.net wrote:
>>>> Have you considered the fact that you may have to
>>>> start the aircraft with the brakes applied and using the
>>>> choke? while also
>>>> adjusting the throttle.
>>> We considered this situation, and concluded that for convenience and safety,
>>> a good parking brake is an absolute necessity. The Matco valve works
>>> perfectly for us in this capacity. With the parking brake valve set, and
>>> the stick held full aft between the legs, we have just enough hands left to
>>> manage the starter, choke, and throttle, in any combination that we have
>>> needed so far. I can't imagine how else we could safely get something from
>>> the baggage bay, pick up something dropped on the floor, etc., while stopped
>>> on the ground.
>>> Dave DeFord
>>> N135TD
>> David,
>> I would like to get more info on the Matco valve for a parking brake. You
>> can send direct to me if you like.
>> Thanks,
>> Jeff
>> A258
Thanks Terry,
I will be ordering it.