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Re: Europa-List: Europa builders in NY

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Europa builders in NY
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 11:26:23
 09/05/2003 11:26:27 AM,
        Serialize complete at 09/05/2003 11:26:27 AM

I am taking  a vacation and heading back to NY where I grew up as a kid.
Are there any NY builders out there?  

Hi Steve,

You did not mention when you will be in NY.  I don't think my Europa will 
by up from Florida
until December.  There is another builder partnership also on Long Island, 
namely Ron and Wayne
and their AC is here on LI.  I am told there is one in CT but I have no 

Ira N224XS Upholstery nearly done

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