> My Airplane is to arrive sometime in October. This weekend I'll start
> preparing my work area with eager anticipation. The partial manual given to
> along with my packet suggests a work table 8 feet long by 2 1/2 feet wide.
< Note
> that this is the exact size of the pre-made kitchen counter tops and Home
> Depot. Easy!>
> Question: Can this thing really be built on a table on less than 3 feet
> Perhaps the manual is referring to meters? What is the realistic size I
> should build? Perhaps someone can suggest plans?
> Thanks
> Brian
A 7-foot bench is sufficient for the flaps and tailplane alignment, else not
mandatory, and 2.5 feet wide is OK. But for those steps, I butted together
two smaller benches, unhinged a door to the utility room, set it on top of the
benches, and covered it with thick plastic so as to return it to service
unsoiled with epoxy. Bench space is always handy, of course, but I think
building the plane is more fun than benches!
Fred F.