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RE: Europa-List: Europa aircraft number

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Europa aircraft number
From: Dean Wiegand <>
Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2003 23:52:55

Hi Rick,

Check out the Europa Club (UK based) website, they keep track of builders
and completed aircraft who have supplied information.   on the left of the page click on the "-"
(minus) next the "The Europa" heading, then you will see sub-categories for
"flying aircraft" and "under construction"

Here in the North America, there is another Europa club site (I don't think
it is affiliated with the PFA sanctioned Europa Club mentioned above) that
keeps a list of Europa information if supplied by customers  once there, click on the button marked "Owners".

For a direct inquiry, everyone I have dealt with from Europa (either here in
the States or from the UK facility) has been very helpful with information.
In this case it may take a little time to get it for you and it may only be
raw numbers instead or client lists due to security /liability reasons.

As for the mods, only those marked "mandatory" would be included with any
subsequent shipments (but like anything else in business, these may increase
the price).  Those marked mandatory are also due to the sanctioning body in
the UK (PFA) (this would be similar to the case IF the FAA handed governance
over all experimental aircraft to EAA) requiring them for flight and / or
safety, something like an Airworthyness Directive here.  As for being
accepted by the factory, the actual statement would be: accepted by the PFA
and offered / required by the factory.  Again, check out the Europa Club UK
site and click on "Mods" on the left and you will see the different kinds of
mods offered (club, factory, or individual), and in all cases the mods MUST
be accepted by the PFA for builders and thier flying in the UK. You should
be able to see a description of the mods, but you have to be a member of the
club to view the technical data.  Here in the States, we can pretty much do
anything we want as long as it passes the airworthyness inspection and
conforms to the FARs, so as for any or all non-mandatory mods, you are free
to buy, build or install whichever ones you want.

If anyone else on the list wants to add or correct me, jump in.

Hope this helps,

Dean Wiegand
Sacramento CA USA
kit A259

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Rick Heis
Subject: Europa-List: Europa aircraft number

Good Morning,

I am just curious with these questions.

Does anyone have an idea of what number Europa the Europa factory is
shipping these days? I notice that many of the members who list on this site
use #??? for which Europa they have.

Does anyone have a data base of completed and flying Europa's, not
necessarily each persons name and photo, but just an idea how many Europa's
are flying? and which versions.

Should I 'ass u me' that as each upgrade and modification is made to the
Europa aircraft that all aircraft produced after this upgrade or mod, is
incorporated into the aircraft. There are a lot of great ideas and
suggestions on this list for meaniful improvements but how many are accepted
by the factory...any way to tell? For example the new door support mod that
is being discussed on the site recently, when will this show up as a part of
the aircraft being produced by Europa? or will it always be a mod we as
customers will always have to build.

Rick Heis
Morgantown, WV, USA

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