Don't know if this is what you are referring to - Graham Singlrton posted
some pictures of my counterbalance bulkhead together with some details of
how to avoid crawling down into the rear fuselage. All that can be founf at
if its what your after.
Paul Stewart #432
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fergus Kyle" <VE3LVO@rac.ca>
Subject: Europa-List: Counterweight tower fixing
> Cheers,
> Someone directed our eyes recently (I believe) to an ingenious
> scheme for fixing the counterweight tower top to the fuselage ceiling,
> bolts and revised contours to permit rotating it out of position. Darned
> I can find it again. If someone can resurrect the address I would be most
> grateful.
> It's not easy when you're old.
> Ferg