Tony, you are entirely too modest. You should have also referred Nigel to
what is undoubtedly the world's best Europa blog at
Best regards,
Rob Housman
Europa XS Tri-Gear A070
Airframe complete
Irvine, CA
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Tony S.
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Europas in New Zealand
This is not a regulatory organisation but does issue the maintenance
schedules for NZ Custombuilts.
In NZ we treat all custombuilts as first of type. You may build and
modify as you wish and there are no stage inspections. There is a CAA
inspection prior to first flight at which time the aircraft enters a
phase 1 test programme. The test pilot, who must have 100 hours PIC
experience or 200 hours for a taildragger and a type rating for the
aircraft, is required to complete a 40 hour test programme and make a
statement that the aircraft is safe to operate in all tested modes of
flight upon completion of the test flight programme. The manoevres, Vne
and MAUW demonstrated during the test flight programme become the
operating limitations for that particular aircraft.
Custombuilts may fly night and IFR is properly equipped but may not fly
over populous areas. After 100 hours of safe operation an application to
remove the populous area overflight restriction is generally granted.