>From: rlborger <rlborger@mac.com>
>I use MS Word (MS Office) on a Mac. Just type in your info:
>date/time/activity and drop in digital pics as you like. I'm sure that
>Word Perfect, Star Office, Open Office (Free for the Mac and Linux
>systems - http://www.openoffice.org) or any number of Adobe products
>would do as well.
When I built my first aircraft, the Long EZ, I kept a hand written diary,
no computer then. Each major lay up was labeled too with date, temperature
and humidity . All this information was useful later on, it made the
learning curve more positive. I had no serious hiccups but having the
records gave me a lot of confidence in the integrity of the airplane. It's
18 years old now and will soon be flying again, (with a rebuilt engine)