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Re: Europa-List: Re: Peel Ply on Root Rib

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Peel Ply on Root Rib
From: Jos Okhuijsen <>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 19:52:33

Or add a red strand to it. Oops, it's allready there...

With all respect, when building it's good practice to read the manual.
It reads "remove peel ply".
If it reads "tighten bolt" and you can't find that bolt, do you just 
continue or do you start asking around before that missing bolt 
disappears out of sight? I find it kind of curious to blame the factory 
for not using solely green peel ply or for not informing customers that 
peel ply can have any colour, or for not issue warnings about not 
following instructions. Of course it's bad to discover a mistake made. 
Whoever is to blame. Anyhow, it's going to be my plane, and in the end 
it's me who is responsible for it. Including any mistakes made. That's 
at least how i see it. And i am really happy that others make and tell 
about their mistakes before i have the chance to make them. <grin>

Jos Okhuijsen
kit # M600 OH-XJO 30 hrs.

John & Amy Eckel wrote:
> A simple solution might be to put a brightly colored sticker
> on the peel ply with the words "REMOVE PEEL PLY."
> John A230
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Peel Ply on Root Rib
>>Please, I'd like to hear from John, Neville, and Andy on this matter. Why
>>would it NOT be changed?
>>Mike Duane A207
>>Redding, California
>>XS Conventional Gear

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