on 10/21/03 10:17 AM, Gilles.Thesee at Gilles.Thesee@ac-grenoble.fr wrote:
> <Gilles.Thesee@ac-grenoble.fr>
> Hi all,
> There have been rumors about the Rotax 912/914 rectifier-regulators toasting
> in service.
> ==============================================
> I just replaced the recitfier-regulator on my 914 with 250 hours. It went out
slowly and erratically over 2 or 3 hours (no toast, no smoke, no visible
sign of failure). My low volt indicator would come on occasionally at lower
rpm but would then be ok. I thought first that it may be a battery issue. It
finally just stopped giving a charge. I was flying at the time and the
engine kept running fine and I landed within about 15 mins. I talked to the
rotax factory rep as to why it stopped working. Seems there is no good
reason other than they sometimes just stop. I was told of a new out of the
box reg. that went out almost immediately. Some do go out but in my case did
not result in a major consequence. The new reg. cost about $100 and now
everything is back to normal.
>Regards, Jerry