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Re: Europa-List: Europa Tri-Gear 3300 Jabiru Powered

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Europa Tri-Gear 3300 Jabiru Powered
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 08:17:26
 10/27/2003 08:17:29 AM,
        Serialize complete at 10/27/2003 08:17:29 AM

the number and the sales contract from atty for the estate states 
aircraft was partially constructed by Bob Berube under contract to
Norman.Bob, as you know, is an employee of Europa in Florida 

Actually Bob used to be the Director of Europa USA but no longer works for 
He is now co-owner of FlightCrafters, the Builder Assistance center in 

Ira J. Rampil, N224XS  now on short final   :-)

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