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Europa-List: No Smoke!

Subject: Europa-List: No Smoke!
From: Steve Hagar <>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 21:36:46

It was time to do the deed. The CO2 was on the right (starboard) and the
Halon was on the left (port). Out to the car to pull out the Die Hard. Lets
pump some amps into that nasty looking rats nest behind that clean looking
instrument panel. The list is made up, and 24 circuits need checking. Just
the thing Thanksgiving mornings are made for. Its a good thing I'm not a
typical suburban house-husband or there be some hell to pay. 
The good part was that I didn't have to use the fire extinguishers as the
subject line says there was no smoke. Everything worked, I was even able to
talk to someone on the radio. One unusual anomoly was found however. Any
input from the list would be appreciated. The electric horizon gyro is
driven off of the essential electrical bus. When the alternate feed switch
is turned on the gyro runs up normally and the off flag indicator goes
away. The alternate feed is a direct connection to the battery. When the
essential bus is run through its normal feed, which is through the primary
bus through a big diode an anomoly is seen. The gyro runs up but the off
flag indicator does not go away. All other items that are on the essential
bus appear to run normally weather on primary or alternate feed. At this
point in time I am running both the primary and essential busses on the
battery. The primary bus doesn't come on line until I turn on the main
contactor. I am thinking prehaps when I am running the primary bus off of
the alternator this symptom may go away. As I said once before most of us
mechanical engineers at school didn't smoke enough dope to be allowed into
the electrical engineering wing at CSU so this stuff isn't immediately
Mesa, AZ 

--- Steve Hagar

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