<<Roland, It is fun to catch you once in a while. From over on this side of the
pond, it seems that the view of the world revolves around the Greenwich
Thank you for keeping the Europa records and the web page organized, every one
benefits from you efforts>>
Speaking as Europa Club chairman I must agree and your thanks are welcome, but
I can assure you that Rowland, Jeremy, Davids Watts and Corbett, Tony, Tim and
all the others who have assisted the club would value your membership even
There is no reason whatsoever why regional Club branches could not be set up.
Graham Singleton has mentioned many times the advantages of a type club, and
he has many years experience with the Longeze club in the USA and around the
as well as ours.
The Europa Club website at www.europaclub.org.uk has links to all the
information you could need about building a Europa, and most of that is freely
available to all. Some stuff is in a 'members only' area because a few people
(namely Jeremy, David Watts and Rowland) have put a lot of effort into
acquiring and sorting the information: If people are willing to spend over
$50000 dollars on their finished Europa, then 15 a year to show your support
for these guys isn't asking too much.
Recent contributions to the Club magazine have been from John Wigney and Neils
Kock, and were read by more people than on this email list, I would bet. If
people would like more content and experiences from other areas of the Globe,
there's only one answer - join up and write!
I'm happy to discuss offlist anything that can lead to more involvement
in the Europa Club, including ways to assist, but in the end, volunteers
All the best,
David Bosomworth
kit67, mono, flying
with Europa Club chairman headset on...