What is this about larger pip pins, and why do you reckon you need them??? This
is news to me. I am wondering whether there is a benefit in retrofitting, yet
another job. I drilled mine out in the stabs by hand, and didn't give a lot of
consideration to the frictional forces creating heat that could weaken the flox
securing them. Of course it would by rights just reset, but I dont like the
idea of resetting composite material. I'd prefer to get it right the first
time, but this aspect didn't cross my mind way back then. I am making progress,
which is a good change, and I got that tail displacement under control. Thanks
again for those dimensional photos you sent me. I used them and also noted that
the max deflections are controlled by the limitations of movement of the mass
balance weights. So, I can get my weights very low as I removed the dowel
originally used, and at the top I am going to pad out the splash I made of the
underside of the top fuse. All in all I will get now whatever that ends up to
be, and I then connected up the trim T piece, and sanded out the slots to
accomodate full deflection. It worked well, and with cross reference to your
dimensions, we are similar. So, have you got an engine type sorted, and prop,
instruments etc. The answer to this might be on your web site, and without
blowing smoke up your ar..., I appreciate you doing it, especially picture
dominated. I visit it oftern. So, happy building.
Tony Renshaw
Sydney Australia
Classic 236 Taildragger (possibly convertible)
Tail, Wings, Ailerons, Flaps Complete and Connected
Lower Fuse in Jig, Tail Torque Tube installed
Mass Balance assembly installed and deflections sorted
Intended Engine: 912S or a "turboed single rotor rotary, when I am dreaming"
Instrumentation: Undecided