Hello everyone,
I have narrowed it down to the Europa XS Tri-Gear with 914 rotax & the Super
I have some questions:
1) How much does it cost to build this airplane is $75,000 U.S. close?
I plan on getting both quick build kits, 914 rotax engine, speed kit, & the CS
2) how does the plane handle would it make a good IFR plane (is it twitchy or
it track smoothly.
3) what is the range and speed you get with 75% power on average and can you get
the extended range fuel tank for the tri-gear? as i plan to do a lot of cross
country flights. I'm in Iowa and have family in Florida & Montana.
4) comfort and sitting position? on extended cross countries are you comfortable
and are you setting straight or are you at an angle because of the space taken
up with the mono wheel in the cockpit module?
5) to build the plane how difficult is it, I have built RC planes will i be able
to build this plane?
Thank you for your time and information look forward to your responses.
Jerry Otto