>Whilst stall strips improve warning of an impending stall, if fitted in a
>position where they do that job, they can also raise the stall speed (by
>5kts in some cases) which
>rather negates the benefit. Stall warners do not degrade the aerodynamics
>and can easily be set to give a warning at any desired speed/AOA.
>Nigel Charles
agreed, but I would add that as Andy hinted, they are definitely very
desirable on an aircraft with a vicious flaps down stall. They can be
adjusted to make the stall benign. When the situation gets tricky, close to
the ground,confusing cross wind visual effects etc, IOW High Workload,
warnings tend to be ignored, particular by pilots with low currency, which
a lot of builders are.
Never think it won't happen to you, I suspect I used to think that, needed
short field performance and had no stall strips. I proved myself wrong.