Having asked both the Europa factory and Poly-Fiber how much paint is
required to finish a Europa and received the same answer (the e-mail
equivalent of a blank stare) I offer the forum the benefit of my experience:
a one gallon can of Poly-Fibers primer is sufficient for the first three
coats of primer applied with a roller per Poly-Fibers instructions. A
small amount of primer remained.
Not knowing what to expect I guessed at my first batch of primer, 16 ounces,
which covered the entire fuselage plus both tailplanes. From that
experience I guessed that I would need less for covering the remaining
surfaces and made 8 ounce and 4 ounce batches, depending on whether I was
painting the XS wings or various foam-core parts.
For those of you (i. e., the rest of the civilized world) not burdened with
our archaic system of measurement inherited from our former colonial masters
I apologize for the gallons and ounces. The logic escapes me, but for some
odd reason Poly-Fibers hardener is added to the paint at a ratio of 8 cc
per 16 ounces, so I guess that maybe we are making some progress. More
likely though, no one manufactures syringes calibrated in ounces.
Best regards,
Rob Housman
Europa XS Tri-Gear A070
Airframe complete (and primed)
Irvine, CA