Firstly, thanks to all who replied with their suggestions/ experiences, in
particular Andy from Europa Aviation.
I think that a stall warner is a better way of pre empting an imminent stall
than the stall strips as the degree of warning can be adjusted more easily
than with stall strips, however where an aircraft has adverse stalling
characteristics (ie: a marked wing drop), then the simplest way to even out
the wing drop is to use stall strips.
According to Andy, the correct fitment of stall strips should not degrade
the performance of the wings or raise the stalling speed..
As I have an aircraft with a pronounced wing drop, I intend to try and
correct this by using stall strips. There is already an electric stall
warner fitted.
Hopefully this will be done sometime in the next month and I will document
this process to see whether there is any marked change in the aircrafts
flying characteristics. Before doing this we may try altering the alignment
of the ailerons as suggested by Mike Parkin (thanks for the idea).
I found that my classic wing europa xs had a real nasty left wing drop at
the stall, particularly in the approach configuration. I fitted the europa
stall warner which I am very pleased with. However, I noticed that although
the ailerons were perfectly aligned at the neutral position on the ground,
in the air, I noticed a slight right aileron droop with the aircraft in 1g
flight. Over a few flights I trimmed the droop out of the right aileron and
as if by magic, the stall became very tame. Both clean and approach config
stalls are now very benign. It is possible to hold the aircraft in the
stall with the stick right back and all it does is 'waddle', no nose or wing
drop - 'perfick'.
----- Original Message -----
From: "nigel charles" <>
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Fitting Stall Stips
> >Does anyone that is flying have any views regarding the fitment of stall
> strips. We were initially advised that these were a bad idea and that an
> electric stall warner was a better option. From what I remember, stall
> strips are supposed to have an adverse effect on the landing
> of the aircraft.<
> Whilst stall strips improve warning of an impending stall, if fitted in a
> position where they do that job, they can also raise the stall speed (by
> 5kts in some cases) which
> rather negates the benefit. Stall warners do not degrade the aerodynamics
> and can easily be set to give a warning at any desired speed/AOA.
> Nigel Charles