The first flights were conducted off a "runway" - the catapult was used
later for low headwind/ 2 seat operations.... technically, what they
achieved was the first controlled, powered, fixed wing flight. Controlled/
powered, controlled/ fixed wing, and powered/ fixed wing had already been
done before...
> >
> >
> The Wright brothers also did not have the required observers and
> employed a katapult in order to make their contraption `fly. (Reportedly)
> Their flight was not recognized by the French academy until sometime in
> the 20s, presumably when US clout had reached its necessary momentum.
> There is a lot of arguments not to believe the Wright story, but why
> ruin a day that has been prepared for so well...
> One of the biggest achivements of the USA is that of historical
> engineering, something Hollywood and its likes have perfected along the
> years- although they did not invent it- they may come up one day with
> that claim too :-)
> Alex, #529