----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronald J. Parigoris" <rparigor@suffolk.lib.ny.us>
Subject: Europa-List: Fill tools?
| Was fooling using expancil for the first time to fill aileron area with
trim tab on it.
| It seems like my spackle tools, knives from 2 inches to 18 inches wide may
be a good thing to use.
| i also have some sanding blocks made for spackle that are ~ 3 inches wide
and 9 inches long. they will accept sandpaper and have a foam backing.
| i also have some of the spackle sanding screens.
| Anybody use these for europa filling / sanding?
| thx.
| Ron Parigoris
Yes I used spachl screens for my initial rough finishing stages - all 3
sizes. very efficient (too?) but try it with care - good for gross removals!