18 made it eh? And I missed out because my toy is back in its' box for a few
weeks.I would have loved to be there, if only to see them paying up. It goes
against the principles of the mid weeker fliers.
Merry christmas. Bryan A
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Joyce" <davidjoyce@doctors.org.uk>
Subject: Europa-List: Centenary Fly In Turweston/Drop of The Hat Europas
> Congratulations and thanks to the Europa mid weekers who joined in the
Gloucester Strut fly in. We were 18 Europas in all, which was a great
effort, particularly as the group had to depart from their principle of not
paying landing fees!
> It was felt that getting Pink Chits next week might be
problematical so the next Drop of the Hat event will be in the week starting
29 December. Dave Watts was/has volunteered to organise it.
> With Seasonal Best Wishes, David Joyce