Rick Hi!
Does anyone have any experience of Bluetooth GPS units?
Yes. The Tom-Tom Unit is the one we have looked at and used. It is excellent
and we have just ordered a iPaq 5550 with HP Bluetooth GPS from
MicroWarehouse for a hopeless Navigator and member of staff!
I was considering using my iPAQ as a moving map and thought that a Bluetooth
remote GPS unitwould reduce the amount of wiring cluttering the cockpit and
I could also use it in other, hired aircraft.
I guess you will change GPS database as a Human Voice telling you when to
turn left into Acacia Avenue may well aggravate.
But I was wondering whether the Bluetooth signal might interfere with other
avionics. Any opinions gratefully received.
I'm not sure but I thought the Bluetooth Frequency was 2.4Ghz and it must be
fairly low power as range is 30' max.
As soon as we receive the Unit I=B9ll try and talk Paddy Clarke in G-KIMM to
get airborne and test.
Gerry Holland
Europa 384 G-FIZY
Trigear with 912 and Arplast CS Prop.
Fuselage being Painted, Wings ready to paint, Flying surfaces painted
Airframe Wiring complete, Full Size Panel 50% done .
Includes Dynon EFIS, KMD 150, Icom A-200 and SL70 Transponder. AoA Fitted.
Activity on Panel completion, Heater Unit.
+44 7808 402404