Make both W16's the same as shown in the book, note they are opposite hand.
When you attach
them to the spar it will be obvious which goes where. Look at page 14-6,
Fig 3 for the mating parts,
CS15P and CS15S. The way this all works will fall into place when you do
the actual assembly and
mating of the W16 and CS15 parts. There are illustrations pn pages 14-13
nad 14-14 that will help make
it clear.
Here is another tip that will save you work. When making the CS14 parts do
not bother painting the
inside surface because you will have to sand it off after you bond the
cockpit module to the canoe.
John Eckel, A230
From: <>
Subject: Europa-List: Port and starboard W16 brackets
> Can anyone tell me which is the Port and which is the Starboard W16
> One has a flat flange side the other has a crescent shape flange side.
> both can on the same bag labeled with both part numbers. I can see now
> in the manual that describes which is which.
> I also noted in figure 16 page 8-10 that it illustrates an area that must
> filed away in order for the bellcrank to pass through the pivot bolt
> that is> Do they both need to be filed? The manual does not say and only
> illustrates the W16 with the crescent shaped flange.
> Thanks!
> Brian Skelly