This is a query for those that might know the difference between the Navaid
Servo and the TruTrak, whether one or other is digital versus analogue
controlled, what type of mechanisms they are, and whether there is a strong
argument for one over the other. With Autopilots, the TrioAvionics unit
appears to have the most capable head, and it uses the Navaid Servo. I
asked about the servo and they cost $685 US, which is about $50 more than
through Navaid, because they strip them down, adjust a few cogs, and also
adjust the potentiometer, to dampen out some of the oscillation
characteristics of these units, and then bench test with one of their
control heads. So, when speaking to a TruTrak friend, he says his servo
uses a stepper motor, which by the accurate way it stops and starts
suggests a digital control, where the Navaid has potentiometers, so this
implies an analogue signal, doesn't it. I am wondering if the Trio is
particularly good with their head capabilities, but lacking with the
technology put into their servos, or should I say, their choice to use the
Navaid product. So, if anyone can shed any light on how these things work,
and whether one is significantly better than the other, well I'd love to know.
Tony Renshaw
Sydney Australia
Classic 236 B.B. Taildragger (possibly convertible)
Tail, Wings, Ailerons, Flaps Complete and Connected
Lower Fuse in Jig, Tail Torque Tube installed
Mass Balance assembly installed and deflections sorted
Intended Engine: 912S CS prop (model undecided)
Instrumentation: Undecided