Hi Kingsley,
I'm not much of a writer but it might give it a whirl. I don't
know who to sent it to if I got something down on the computer. :-(
Finishing the exterior will take some time. Thank goodness for
the 4" DA sander and some black lacquer paint that I used as "indicator".
I used the water based primer that is rolled on in many layers. I made
sure there was enough filling primer to get things pretty good. If you
use the solvent style primer, put lots on in several layers. You will
sand most of it off. Now that I had the finish I wanted with the water
based primer, I next had to use the primer that goes with your color
paint. I used PPG's Concept paint to do mine. I was very tired of
sanding so I did what is known as "wet on wet". Your painter sprays on
the primer and waits for about 10 to 15 minutes and then starts putting
on the color coat. This way your bird is primed and painted in one trip.
The down side is it would be nice to sand the color primer one last time
to get the finish really nice before you put the color coat on. I was
just very tired of sanding and wanted it DONE. Its worked out nice as
the finish looks pretty good. I think I have toooooo much paint on the
bird. Paint weighs a bunch and my "auto" painter probably put on to
much. All in all, my bird came out to 890# with all things attached.
(except the wing leveler and aux fuel tank).
<hurstkr@growzone.com.au> writes:
> <hurstkr@growzone.com.au>
> James Nelson wrote:
> " I reached a point in the build when I said "enough
> mod's" and just get it in the air"
> Thanks Jim,
> I can relate to the "point" you reached...... think I am very close
> to it
> now too!
> Hope you all have a great time. After the event, how about writing
> an
> article for the Europa Flyer so we can all enjoy the experience!!
> Cheers
> Kingsley