----- Original Message -----
From: <TELEDYNMCS@aol.com>
Subject: Re: Europa-List: XS Trigear rudder cable alignment
> Hi Jim,
> Thanks for the info. I've experimented with a few different materials for
> fairleads, various kinds of tubing, phenolic, etc. Neville said to use the
> brake line tubing that came with the kit. It would probably work, but the
> nylon ones that Spruce has seem to have the lowest friction by far. I'm
putting a
> set in the rear bulkhead, at the tower on a plywood spreader, and in the
> tunnel where the rudder cable passes the gas tank. Sure don't want that
> cable slapping the gas tank! I'm also putting turnbuckles just behind the
> bay supports where they will be accessible from the access hole in the
> bulkhead. I might end up putting another set at the baggage bay supports
if the
> turnbuckles want to slap the floor.
> Hope you can make our fly-in! The Purple Martins are in residence at our
> field along about that time. They make it very pleasant to be outdoors.
> skeeters)
> Regards,
> John Lawton
> Dunlap, TN
> A-245 (getting all the little tidbits done before the top goes on)